Creating a consistent study plan in 4 simple steps by Eduloan
Striving to do well and attain the best marks possible takes constant dedication. You can achieve anything you put your…
2015 ABSIP Bursary Application is open
The ABSIP Bursary is aimed at financially supporting disadvantaged black students who have demonstrated academic excellence, a passion to pursue…
Minister Sisulu is Right- Youth Need Jobs, Not Houses
The recent questioning of Human Settlements Minister Lindiwe Sisulu on the age restricting criteria for free public housing is ill-considered…
Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation: Bursary Programme 2015
Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation in conjunction with the Gauteng Arts and Culture Council (GACC) calls on…
Recognise and reward teachers for the essential role they play in society
How come every conversation about education starts with “the problem in education is….”?
Win Awesome Prizes with Student Brands
Isn’t it nice to know that using 5 minutes of your time to fill in a simple survey can win…
University of Cape Town uses to improve ICT skills for staff and students
The University of Cape Town has signed a three-year contract with, a leading provider of online learning, teaching people…
NYDA invites students to apply for scholarships
The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) has invited young matriculants to apply for scholarships.
Too much caffeine when cramming for finals poses health risk to students
Exam season is upon us and soon hundreds of thousands of students across the country will be pulling caffeine-fuelled all-nighters…
Tips & advice from successful entrepreneurs to help you achieve your dreams
To become successful is a process that takes time and that has no shortcuts.