University of RhodesUniversity of Rhodes

Campus Protection Unit

Campus Protection Unit provides “highly visible” patrols on campus to guard against criminals and vandals. It also controls traffic, locks and unlocks certain buildings and has a lost and found property section. Guards will accompany students on campus at night for protection if requested.
The Legal Aid Clinic
The Legal Aid Clinic provides legal assistance to indigent people (whether students or members of the public) free of charge, and at the same time provides practical training for senior Law students in the implementation of the law.

The Student Representative Council

The Student Representative Council (SRC) comprises 16 members of the student body and is recognised on campus, which gives it a certain weight that can be used to good effect in making sure that the student interests are taken into account in the running of the University.

The Sanatorium (Medical Services)

The Sanatorium is run by three qualified nursing sisters who attend to minor ailments, dispense medicines, render first aid and carry out procedures such as the removal of sutures, daily dressing of wounds and giving injections. Contraception is also available at the Sanatorium. Certain tests such as blood glucose level, pregnancy and HIV tests are done.

Career Centre

The Rhodes University Career Centre offers a counselling and career education service to students to assist them with their study and career choice, career planning and career development while studying at university. Through the voluntary Rhodes Career Development Programme we aim to encourage and enable students to make and implement well-informed decisions about their future careers, their ongoing career development and to be as career literate as possible on graduating.