The fees for 2013 are R37 500.00 for the full-time programmes.
Additional funds are required for materials.
The policy regarding the fees pertaining to the academic studies of full time students attending and studying towards a Diploma at the Ruth Prowse School of Art includes issues of payment; discounts and penalties; rebate and debt.
The fees for full time academic students are calculated annually. The Executive Head submits a proposal based on the projected budget to the Board of Directors pertaining to academic fees. The Board of Directors meets annually to make a decision regarding the fees to be raised for the academic programme for the following academic year.
The total fees for an academic year are comprised of a non- refundable registration fee and an amount representing 9 cycles (months) of formal classes. There are no application fees. The payment of the non-refundable registration fee is due on or before the annual registration day.
The Board of Directors reserves the right to determine the amount of the non-refundable registration fee for each academic year.
When a foreign student applies to the School they are required to fill out a registration form at the same time. Upon acceptance into the programme, the student is required to formally register and pay the non-refundable registration fees prior to the application of the student’s student visa. Foreign students are charged a levy of 10% on their total fees.
Foreign students from SADC countries pay the same fees as local South African nationals and residents. Foreign students are required to give the school a copy of their study visa before classes commence each year.
The following discounts are available for the early settlement of fees:
5.0 % Discount if settled in FULL by the 28th February
2.5 % Discount if settled in FULL by the 31st March
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