Programme in Safety Management at UNISA
This programme focuses on the science of Safety Management and the safety responsibilities of both line managers and staff safety practitioners.
It introduces line managers and safety practitioners to the very basics in safety management. Such basics comprise the sciences of safety management and the roles of line and staff functionaries pertaining to safety risk assessment, safety management in industry and the analysis of safety incidents.
The focus and contents of the proramme is unique in the sense that it prepares both managers and safety practitioners for performing their roles and functions on a professional and scientific basis. The program focus on meeting the needs of line managers and staff safety practitioners in achieving their legal responsibilities and professional accountability in making the workplace and the work procedures as safe as possible for all involved.
Specifically, the programme is aimed at aspirant managers, shop stewards, supervisors, inspectors, safety representatives/practitioners/managers, training officials and occupational hygienists.
Twelve months
Registration requirements
A National Senior Certificate, equivalent qualification or appropriate experience.
Evaluation and examination
Students are evaluated by means of formative assessment assignments and formal written summative assessment examinations. Two assignments are set for each module. One examination paper for each of the four modules will be written in January of the year following the initial registration.
The duration of the examination paper will be two hours. Students are required to obtain a mark of at least 50% of each of the four modules to successfully qualify for the course certificate. The examinations will be conducted at official Unisa examination centres throughout South Africa.
On successful completion of the whole programme, students will be awarded a certificate for the Programme in Safety Management (Code: 7243-5) by Unisa at an official ceremony.
The progromme has two modules on NQF level 5 and two modules on NQF level 6 with a total of 48 credits.
English. Students may, however, submit their assignments and write examinations in either English or Afrikaans.
The distance-teaching method
This method is based on self-learning and involves the use of study guide for each module, tutorial letters and assignments.
Registration, commencing dates and fees
29 Nov and should be completed by 5 March. The programme commences on 5 March.
The fee per candidate is R6000.00. This includes all study material, examination fees, etc. Registration without payment in full (or other prior approved arrangement) is not permissible. (A Centre for Business Management registration form must be completed and submitted together with full payment. The study package has been designed to make adult learning through distance teaching and self-assessment easier.
Programme leader
Mr NJF van Loggerenberg
He will be assisted by other lecturers from the Centre for Business Management as well as external consultants.
For more information on this course please visit UNISA