The University of Pretoria is offering an advanced course in Business and Marketing Research presented by the GfK Programme in Business and Marketing Research. It is suitable for an entry level research practitioner with less than two years’ experience, or someone wanting to enter the research industry. The course will also benefit business and marketing managers who are responsible to commission such research and who have to deal with research suppliers.
The course consists of six two-day modules presented over the period of one year and provides a detailed exploration and practical applications of the basic principles and practices of business and marketing research. Although all six modules have to be completed successfully to obtain the certificate for the Advanced Course in Business and Marketing Research, each of the first five individual models can also be attended by persons who are not interested in the advanced course for obtaining a regular individual completion certificate in each specific topic. The sixth module is reserved for participants enrolled for the advanced course.Modules and dates

The six modules and their dates for 2013 are as follows:

  1. Introduction to Business and Marketing Research 17-18 April 2013
  2. Quantitative Research Designs and Sampling 15-16 May 2013
  3. Questionnaire Design in Business and Marketing Research 12-13 June 2013
  4. Preparing and Analysing Quantitative Data 14-15 August 2013
  5. Planning and Conducting Qualitative Research for Business and Marketing Decisions 11-12 September 2013
  6. Converting Research Findings into Business and Marketing Insight 16-17 October 2013

Presentation of the modules will take the form of a blend of web based learning, lecturing, case studies, group work, and in-class applications. Participants will be provided with the full learning material for each module.
Cost for the full Advanced Programme: R18,000 (group discounts available)
Individual modules: R3600 (group discounts available)
For more, go to

Article source: BizCommunity