After studying Theatre Arts at University of Calabar, Blessing Effiom Egbe found herself in modelling. She featured in several television commercials in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Ireland, South Africa and other places for big time products like Investec Bank, America Next Top Model, Smart Car, and Snickers Chocolate.
However, one day, the graduate of Script Writing from City Varsity, Cape Town, South Africa took the hard decision to stop all of that and pursue a career in acting. She also decided to get married and start rearing children.
Throughout this period, she did not lose sight of the films and theater business. Blessing wrote scripts, produced and featured in her own films including Before the Vow, After the Vow, African Queen, Working the Lane, The Rivals, Survivors and the TV series, Disclosures.
Right now, Blessing is back from film location where she had gone to shoot a new work entitled, Two Brides and a Baby with director Teco Benson and cast members Stella Damasus and Kalu Ikeagwu.

The modelling years
I am tired of talking about modeling. Oh yes, once upon a time I was called a model. I started in 2002. Yes, I had a good ride with it. Right now, I am a slightly robust mother who can’t fit into a size eight anymore. Chei! I intend to get my slender figure back but edikangikong would not let me. As I said, I had a good run, made lots of money, met a lot of people, travelled the world and you know a lot of good came out of it. What I missed most in modelling? Ah, I missed my slender body, the cat walk, the lights, the easy money and oh, the travel! But I don’t regret anything. We are like pencils in the hands of the creator.
Away from modelling
I have not been active in the industry lately. In fact, I have been making babies. I have two beautiful daughters, Michelle and Danielle, three years and 10 months respectively, and I tell you it’s a full-time job being a mother. Well, I did disappear for a while but again that’s because I was very heavy and nursing and all that, but in the midst of all that, I did find time to write, produce and direct 100 plus episodes of Disclosure, a drama series. So, I’ve not been completely out of the business
Big comeback
I do have a new film entitled, Two Brides and a Baby and it’s a big comeback for me. It’s a story about love, hurt, revenge and forgiveness. For some reason, I’m drawn to wedding stories but hey, I’m a girl, and I love to see people happy ever after telling stories. I’m not going to say too much about this film but be ready for the breath of fresh air. I didn’t sit at home this long to come back and not be on top. This film is my breath of fresh air. It was directed by Teco Benson.
New versus old actors
Apart from my humble self, those who feature in the new film include Stella Damasus, Kalu Ikeagwu, O.C Ukeje, Okey Uzoeshi, Keira Hewatch, Chelsea Eze and a whole bunch of new acts you would be glad to watch. I was stunned by the talents that abound in this country but for some reason we don’t get to see them. What I’ve done is to take the bull by the horns, damn all consequences that come with not bombarding my film with the same old faces and bring to the open these new talented guys who will match any old talent any day, anytime.
The cost
So far, we have spent about N11 million on the film. By the time we are done with post production, publicity and all the works, we should have spent about N15m. But then the film is strictly for the cinemas and film festivals.
Trouble waters
No, The Rivals went to New York and won only one award and not several awards as most people thought. And that was the Best International Drama award at the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival in 2007. Okay now, I really feel like I’ve been out of circulation for so long. Yes, there was a court case on The Rivals. The case is ongoing after a long break in the process. But thank God it resumed and we are hoping for the best. It is between Ecomax Technologies and B’Concept. I don’t want to get into that because I am not sure I am allowed to talk about a court case because it may be sub-judice.
Full-time housewife
I’m blessed to have the kind of family that I have. A family that is very supportive, small, closely knit and loving. Believe it or not, I’m a full-time housewife. I cook, I sweep, and I take care of and manage the home. I also breastfeed my little baby. I told you that I have two girls and every time I look at them, I break out in smiles.
How I met my husband
I met my sweet husband on the streets of Lagos. I was looking hot and sumptuous and he was driving ‘cooleee’ and lonely. Ha, correct combo. Isn’t it?
What motherhood taught me
Motherhood has taught me a lot in life. I have learnt to be patient. I have also learnt to share unadulterated love and hard work. I would give my soul for any of my kiddies.
Omoni Oboli and I
Omoni was my business partner, don’t you know? But unfortunately the business didn’t come through as expected and it’s only natural for us to find greener pastures somewhere else. I put body and soul into family and child bearing, and Omoni put body and soul into the business of acting. We are still comrades after all.
Article by Daily Sun