By Kwanele Butana
Charging forward with its commitment to an HIV free generation, the CPUT HIV/Aids unit recently held a welcoming ceremony for all its peer educators at Mowbray Campus.
The purpose of this event was to inform new peer educators about the Peer Education program as well as their roles in the HIV/AIDS unit. The event was also for existing peer educators to meet, socialise and share best practices with new ones.
Peer Educators are senior students who are equipped to render a support service to the community on and off-campus. They mobilise students during HIV/Aids awareness campaigns to get tested, and distribute condoms across CPUT campuses.
To kick start the year, the HIV/AIDS unit will be launching an abstinence campaign in conjunction with the Sexually Transmitted Infections Condom Week campaign which commences on Monday (4 February). Peer Educators will be going around campus encouraging abstinence and safer sex practices to all students.
“We want to encourage students to make use of the HIV/AIDS unit and the services that are available to them,” says Alex Semba, acting HOD of the HIV/Aids Unit.
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