It is the vision of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) to be at the heart of technology education and innovation in Africa. Our mission is to develop and sustain an empowering environment where , through teaching, learning, research and scholarship our students and staff, in partnership with the community and industry, are able to create and apply knowledge that contributes to development.
You are now at the first step of your career: applying for admission. On these pages you will find all the information you will need to apply for admission at CPUT.
Application for admission
It is advisable that applications for admission to study at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) be submitted as early as possible to:
The Registrar
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
PO Box 1906
Brochures for courses offered at the various campuses and application forms may be obtained by writing to the Registrar at the address above, or by collecting brochures and forms from the applications offices on the various campuses.
Course information and an electronic application form (to be printed and completed by the applicant) are available on the CPUT website during application periods.
Download Admissions Requirements for 2013
Download Application Form for 2013
Closing dates
The closing date for applications if 31 August 2012. The closing date for the submission of design portfolios is 31 July.
Submission of certificates
A Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification must be submitted by the student upon enrollment at the beginning of the academic year. If this requirement is not met, the University will be forced to cancel the provisional acceptance.
Evaluation of foreign qualifications
Applicants who do not have a South African qualification are required to send their results/ qualifications to the South African Qualifications Authority in order to have them evaluated and equated to a South African qualification.
The address is:
The Head of Evaluation and Qualifications
South African Qualifications Authority
Postnet Suite 248
Private Bag x06
Tel: +27 12 482 0858/ 64
Residence accommodation is subject to availability, in terms of the rules, and will be allocated at the campus where the student will be studying. Residence accommodation is available to full-time students only. Students who are not awarded a place in a residence should arrange for alternative accommodation before arriving in Cape Town.
For more information, visit the Residence Department.
Medium of tuition
The medium of tuition is English, except for the Education courses at the Wellington Campus which are offered in Afrikaans.
Afrikaans and Xhosa speaking students may be offered support, which may be by way of language-specific tutorial groups, the provision of notes and the setting of test, assignments and examinations in the first language of the student.