19 May 2015, Johannesburg – The right to education has been noted as one of the fundamental human rights.  The former Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, once said: “Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rests the cornerstones of freedom, democracy and sustainable human development”.
It is on this precept that Eduloan, South Africa’s leading education finance solutions company, aims to constantly increase access to education.
Africa is a wealthy continent, with some of the wealth based on mineral resources and these continue to drive economic growth. However, the ultimate measure of progress is the well-being of people, and Africa is still by and large lagging behind in poverty reduction. The continent needs economic transformation, and education has to take centre stage in this transformation.
A vast majority of Africans still do not have access to education, mostly due to a lack of funding. This is why Eduloan is offering education finance solutions that are aimed at providing Africa’s most important resource, its people, with the much needed capital to empower and socially uplift communities.
Eduloan offers affordable study loan solutions that cover not only course fees, but additional expenses such as textbooks, registration fees and technology which include laptops, tablets and other study equipment that may be associated with your studies. Eduloan’s vision of being a catalyst for change has prompted the continual improvement of services offered to its clients, with the understanding that education starts from a very early age up to and beyond retirement. Taking this into account, Eduloan has a schools offering where parents can take out loans for their children’s education from primary school, high school right through to tertiary level.
In this age of technology it is also imperative to equip future global citizens with technological “know-how”. Eduloan facilitates this by providing funding for educational IT tools. All loans are provided at competitive rates ensuring the best service to clients and peace of mind to the end-user.
In a concerted effort to significantly improve access to educational finance, Eduloan signed a mutually beneficial agreement with the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) on 11 March 2015, under which the PIC has bought a 40% stake in Eduloan. The strategic investment was done to help more South Africans unlock their potential through access to affordable education finance solutions.
Education is one of the elements that help reduce poverty as it is an empowering tool. By educating its citizens, a country ensures its sustainability, legacy and future prosperity.  With Eduloan providing financial solutions to those that need them the most, the company is heeding to the call to create and drive sustainable solutions for African economies.
Eduloan will be exhibiting at the Career Indaba to be held on the 18th and 19th of May 2015 at the Sandton Convention Centre.