The Future Stars SA campaign is gathering momentum as the month of June and African Education Week rolls around. Online entries are coming in and an increasing number of students are encouraging their peers to vote for them. If you’ve been wondering about whether to enter this prestigious competition now is the perfect time to submit your entry, as you could be the on the way to winning this exciting accolade and benefiting from the prizes and exposure that it offers.

Leaders of the Pack

The job market in South Africa is notoriously tough and a good education is always going to give you the edge. However with so much competition out there, an entry into the Future Stars SA awards may just give you the edge over others.  With sponsors like MGI and CTI involved, this competition is enjoying recognition from some of the bigger businesses and is fast earning a reputation for promoting excellence.

2014 Winner Kabelo Mohlatlole says that winning has benefited him greatly and that the exposure to large corporates has been invaluable. It’s also thanks to the competition that everyone around him now knows what he is now capable of. Kabelo has served as an inspiration to many other students and the doors that have opened for him since he was named the 2014 Future Stars winner have given added incentive to those who want to excel but need a little more encouragement.

When Paying it Forward Really Works

Argo, CTI, MGI and a host of other sponsors and have thrown their weight behind the Future Stars SA awards and are passionate about creating a brighter future for South Africa’s youth. The focus of this competition is on rewarding students and keeping them driven and no one knows this more than 2013 winner, Reitumetse Molaoa. After winning the coveted award, Reitumetse made a lasting impression on Sales Partners Worldwide at African Education Week and was given a laptop to make studying easier. She hopes to pay this gesture forward by helping other people discover the potential in their future too and is using her prize to benefit both herself and society.

If you think you are this year’s Future Stars winner enter the competition online and get your friends to support your dreams!