Student Brands

Isn’t it nice to know that using 5 minutes of your time to fill in a simple survey can win you a share of R40 000 worth of prizes? Can I hear you say “HELL YEAH!”?

For Student Brands hearing your side of the story matters and we are rewarding you for it. We want to know what you want and how we can help you get it. We know that surfing the net and keeping up with your chinas on social media is a have to and we would like to help you do more of this for less ching-ching.
Stand a chance to win money, airtime for those moments where you just have to pick up the phone and call your best friend to tell them the latest, data and iPads so that you never lose touch, iPods to get the music flowing through those veins and into those feet and so much more!
All we ask is that you take the time so that YOU can be heard, simple isn’t it?

Take the survey to win