The Investec CA Programme offers financial assistance in the form of a full academic scholarship to undergraduate students studying towards a CA(SA) degree. The main criterion for selection is merit and not financial need.

The following people can apply:

  • Ambitious, creative and academically talented undergraduate students
  • South African citizens*
  • Those studying towards a Chartered Accountant degree at a SAICAaccredited university

Candidates are selected on the basis of academic achievement and distinctive personal accomplishment. We have an academic requirement of a 70% average for the final (year-end) result. Applications are open all year round. Successful candidates are offered the opportunity to apply for the Investec CA Programme (to complete their 3 year training contract)

Some qualities we look for:

  • Critical and creative thinkers
  • Problem solvers
  • Effective communicators
  • Knowledgeable and informed
  • Leaders
  • Team players
  • Innovative and entrepreneurial
  • Self-motivated learners

Why apply?

We have a vested interest in developing future talent, academically in fields that represent relevance to the financial services and the CA Programme. While our scholarship provides financial relief, our support is holistic – successful candidates have access to mentors, exam technique specialists and an opportunity to attend Pathfinder

How to apply:


  • Complete the online application form below
  • Upload your CV
  • Upload your matric certificate
  • Upload your university academic transcripts (all courses completed to date)
  • Upload your IDSelected students are invited for interviews because we need to make sure we are the right fit for each other.

Online Applications

The use of the form below might require you to install an Active X control.
When completing the form, please take note of the following:

  • Applications for a scholarship are open all year
  • Please complete the application form online and upload your CV, matric certificate and academic transcripts
  • Should we not receive all your required information and documents, your application will not be considered
  • No faxed or posted application forms will be accepted

If you require any further information, please call 011 286 9457 or email

Click here to visit the Investec website.