University Fellowships to develop Southern Africa’s future responsible entrepreneurs

The Foundation offers the exceptional Allan Gray Fellowship to Southern Africa’s pioneering bright young students. This initiative aims to develop students, known as Allan Gray Candidate Fellows, into Southern Africa’s future high impact responsible entrepreneurs. Every year, the Foundation selects the best and most ambitious Grade 12 and first year university students from Southern Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Swaziland to join its vibrant community of Allan Gray Candidate Fellows. The Fellowship includes comprehensive tertiary education financial support alongside exposure to thought leaders, mentorship and entrepreneurial mindset development. Access to postgraduate funding is available to those who have excelled in their tertiary studies and the Fellowship Programme.

How to Apply

Interested applicants can apply for the Fellowship opportunity during their Grade 12 school year or during their first year of university. The Fellowship application is open to learners and students from South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Swaziland. The Fellowship selection team aims to correctly select talented individuals from the Southern African region so that the Fellowship is awarded to individuals that are most able to leverage this opportunity. The Fellowship selection team specifically focuses on attracting eligible applicants using effective assessment tools and rigorous and reliable processes to make sure that eligible candidates are fairly assessed and that the correct decisions are made. Fellowship applicants need to fulfill the criteria indicated below.

General Selection Criteria

Fellowship Applicants need to be able to show a track record of leadership or being entrepreneurially minded. The Foundation’s framework to measure this as follows:

  • Achievement Excellence: The ongoing pursuit of excellence with tangible and specific focus on setting goals. A motivation to make a difference and leave a mark.
  • Intellectual Imagination: Demonstrated by an established record of intellectual achievement; an ability to see the unseen, challenge the status quo and suggest that things could be done differently.
  • Courageous Commitment: The courage and dedication to continue, realising that applying consistent commitment has a way of overcoming.
  • Spirit of Significance: A weight of personality that comes from living a life personified by passion and integrity.
  • Personal Initiative: A person who makes things happen and celebrates the satisfaction of bringing new things into being. Independent, proactive and self-starting

Apart from being entrepreneurially minded, there are a couple of mandatory academic requirements that applicants need to fulfil:

South Africa Grade 12 (2015 Applications are Open)

Mandatory Requirements

Application Process

Application Form

South Africa 1st Year University (2015 Applications are Open)

Mandatory Requirements

Application Process

Application Form

Swaziland Grade 12 (Applications not open for 2015)

Fellowship Mandatory Requirements

Application Process

Application Form

Namibia Grade 12 (Applications not open for 2015)

Mandatory Requirements

Application Process

Botswana Grade 12 (Applications not open for 2015)

Scholarship Mandatory Requirements

Fellowship Mandatory Requirements

Application Process

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