The Movember Committee for the People of Movember has been representing the interests of Movember participants each year since 1999. The importance of this month to its hordes of followers cannot and shall not be understated. It is therefore imperative that I hereby lay down the Manifesto to strike a beginning of the freedom of expression that can only be achieved through strict discipline.

The basic principle of Movember is a simple one – in the words of our Colonel Boochie R. Blight:

Whether you’re stopping or going
Just you remember
To keep that mo growing
Whilst in Movember

The rules listed below must be adhered to with the complete love and devotion that you will find for your new furry look.
Wishing you all good luck and bushy mo’s
Your loving dictator
El Presidente Maledyke Donikian 

Movember Rules

  • On Shadowe’en (October 31st), the complete moustache region, including the entire upper lip and the handlebar zones, must be completely shaved.
  • For the entire duration of Movember (Movember 1st – 35th inclusive), no hair shall be allowed to grow in the goatee zone – being any facial area below the bottom lip.
  • There is to be no joining of the moustache to sideburns.
  • Failure to conform to all of these rules may, at the discretion of the official Movember Committee, result in instant blacklisting and may void invitation to the end of MOnth festivities (this year lip-marked for Movember 35th!)
  • Movember Committee accepts no responsibility for lost jobs, rashes, food/beer encrustments or any other such mishaps caused to the wearer (or his partner) of a Movember Moustache. You grew it yourself

Okay and now for the real reason behind Movember:

“During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces around the world. The aim of which is to raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and other cancers that affect men.”

For more information and to find out how to support Movember with more than just your facial hair (so yes this includes the ladies) check out