Hundreds of first-year students admitted to register at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) for studies in 2011 have started to attend informative orientation programmes.
O! Week, aka Orientation Week, is a period of time before the beginning of the academic year during which a variety of events are held to orient new students with campus life and the wide range of academic development and support services the University of Johannesburg (UJ) offers – the Library and Information Centres, Reading and Writing Centres, the Computer Facilities, Counselling and Career Development and the Career Resource Centres. Students also learn about the dedicated team looking after their safety and about the services available to them via the Health Clinics situated on each campus. They also get to meet lectures, receive their time tables and get to know their fellow students and the campus you will be studying on.
O! Week is not just about the very important academic aspects of student life. O! Week is the time to join Student Societies, get involved in the many cultural activities, join one of the many sport clubs, join the gym or become a member of a Day House.
O! Week has kicked off on Monday, 17 January and will run until Tuesday, 25 January 2011 at all four of the UJ campuses – the Soweto Campus, the Auckland Park Kingsway Campus, the Auckland Park Bunting Road Campus and the Doornfontein Campus.
Article by University of Johannesburg