The Stars in Education Awards is a project created by Argo, the publisher and multi-media communications company that lives its brand promise “to inform, involve and inspire”. These awards recognise the important roles educators play in our society, and acknowledge those who go beyond the call of duty to initiate, develop and implement non-curricular initiatives that have a positive impact both on the individual learner and their broader communities.

Awards like these are reliant on corporate sponsors to fund the immense amount of work that goes into sourcing, adjudicating, acknowledging and rewarding the various initiatives that happen all over South Africa. As such, Argo is very pleased to announce Hatch Goba the leading engineering firm is taking the lead in inspiring teachers who go the extra mile in South Africa.

Hatch Goba, a leading international consulting engineering, project management and implementation firm. With values built on making a difference in communities, they are a perfect fit with the Stars in Education Awards.

Executive Director, Tshepo Kgobe says the following: it is our duty as a corporate to ensure that the future of South Africa is raised by nurturers and dedicated teachers, who see their role as far reaching and understand the ripple effect of their actions. We have proudly aligned ourselves with these stars in education and hence, sponsored the Stars in Education awards, that honours the true heroes of our time.

Argo’s Managing Director Sue Fontannaz is equally enthusiastic. “We are always grateful when big business sees the need to get involved with the community and contribute to making a difference,” she says. “We are privileged to have had Hatch Goba on board, and see a perfect alignment between the company’s forward-looking culture and our own vision for South Africa’s future.”

Hatch Goba joined TSB Sugar, Mindset TV, Metro FM and SACE as sponsors of the Stars in Education Awards, ensuring that this worthy initiative can continue unearthing the little guys who are making a big impact on the lives of our children.

For more information on the Stars in Education Project, contact Argo General Manager, Carol Steyn on (021) 865 2813 or mail

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