We all get nervous and stressed when it’s that time of the year again. By that time of the year we mean exams or test weeks and if you’re lucky and still at school or varsity this happens more often than not.

The thing is, you really don’t need to be stressed or nervous, all you need is to be prepared and ready, this makes the world’s difference.  Give yourself the best chance with these 10 study tips to study like a genius!

1. Begin preparing early

The best possible way for you to do good during exams or test weeks is to pay attention during class, every minute that you aren’t giving your full attention means many more minutes of studying and trying to understand later on.

2. Know your teacher/professor and have a good relationship

This is fundamental in achieving good results, to have good relations with your study instructor means that you enjoy the course and if something is unclear to you, you will consult with him/her later or during class to see to it that you understand everything fully.

3. Form a study group

Not only will other students be able to help you understand the material, but by helping others you are actually teaching yourself. Remember that this is a study group and not a socializing event and that you will need to stay focused on why everyone is there.

4. Organize your study space

Make sure that you have enough space to spread all your material and notes out. Get yourself comfortable and keep all your distractions out of sight.

5. Flow charts and diagrams work best!

Use flow charts and diagrams to review your work visually. People tend to remember visual information better. Condense your revision notes into one-page diagrams to reflect when nearing the examination date.

6. Practice on old examination papers or tests

After you have studies the relevant material, practice on old papers to test your knowledge and do so under test conditions.  This will help comfort you to know that you will be able to complete the paper in the allocated time.

7. Take regular breaks for 10 to 20 minutes

Studying for an entire day might make you feel good, but this could actually end up to be counterproductive. Studies have shown that for long-term retention of knowledge, regular breaks are crucial.

8. Eat well

Keep away from heavy saturated foods such as margarine and foods with high sugar levels. You will need to eat balances meals, containing foods such as eggs, fruit, cereal, lean meat and vegetables. Don’t overeat and rather eat dark chocolate as a treat as studies have shown that this helps to boost your brain.

9. Get to bed early

Allow for your body to get the correct amount of rest that it need to perform the following day.  Thus plan your day so that you will get to bed early and allow for yourself to relax before falling asleep.

10. Wake up nice and early on the day you are writing

Give yourself enough time to get up and get to the examination location on time. Getting up nice and early will help you to start the exam/test stress free and with a clear mind.