Soon after you finish studying, you’ll need to apply for jobs. It is important you begin preparing now while you are still studying, long before you need the job. Finding a job can be a difficult process. Here are a few tips which will make it easier for you to find a job in the future.

Clean up your social networks

The reality is your future employer will Google you. They will check your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. They will see what you did this weekend. You need to ensure the photos and words you post show you in the best possible light. No drunken party photos or status updates about exes. Try to post interesting articles about the sector you’re hoping to work in. This will show your interest and help you to seem like a serious candidate. This is especially important if you’re applying for education jobs as you don’t want students finding out embarrassing details of your personal life. Now is the time to create a LinkedIn profile, if you haven’t got one already. It is a great networking tool and can really assist with your job hunt.

Learn all about the sector you’re interested in

Studying is important as it teaches the correct way to do things. But there are things about the sector you’d like to work in that only someone already working there could tell you. Make sure to read as many articles and books as possible about the industry. Get to know someone who is already working your dream job and ask them about it. Try to do an internship at a company you’d like to work for and get some insider knowledge about your chosen field. All of this information will likely impress during a job interview as it will be obvious you are serious about your chosen field.

Decide who you want to work for

Create a list of the top companies you’d like to work for. Learn as much as possible about these companies. Find out specifics about the work the company does and its leaders. If possible, find out who the people are who you would be working for and do some research on them. Look at their LinkedIn profiles and Facebook pages. In an interview, you could mention something you learned and it will create a personal connection.

Practice your interview skills

You might have all the right skills and a perfect CV, but if you don’t interview well, chances are you won’t get the job. Read some tips on what not to do. You have to be able to sell yourself without sounding arrogant. Practice answering questions you might expect and come up with a list of questions you’d like to ask. Get your outfit ready in advance so you aren’t rushing out to buy a pair of pants the day before the interview.