Recruitment agencies are being forced to provide suitable recruitment solutions for Generation Y’s “anywhere, anytime” approach; whilst addressing concerns surrounding viral recruitment.
A study carried out by a leading South African bank revealed that 39 percent of urban South Africans and 27 percent of rural users over the age of 16 are now browsing the internet using social networking sites, which means that recruiters are now required to adopt an effectual online social campaign with their marketing strategy to target the youth.
By streamlining the search for talent with online social networking sites and other social media, it will create a platform for talent as well as for corporations to tap into, which is a successful, cost-effective approach.
The viral application process is a convenient and natural process for the youth that can be easily completed on the web via a computer or mobile device.
Job opportunities can be searched or even emailed to candidates on a daily basis through sites such as LinkedIn, with the added benefit of the ’email to a friend,’ or ‘share this link,’ options.
“Job seekers are sometimes sceptical about posting their CV’s online due to privacy concerns, however they can be completely assured that this will not occur with reputable companies such as PAG due to stringent privacy settings and candidate confidentiality practices,” assures Ferdinando Pulella, Managing Director of Professional Assignments Group (PAG).
Experts urge candidates to realise that even though the internet is an effective tool for finding a job, the best way to utilise it is in conjunction with a recruitment agency, as this will provide the candidate with a higher chance of success.
Through a viral campaign that extends towards social network pages (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) and a blog site, (the World of Work blog), PAG has successfully incorporated the fast-paced world of the internet to its market strategy.
“Because the youth are driven by the ‘anytime, anywhere,’ concept of living, recruitment strategies have upped the ante through an online campaign that successfully places candidates into decent jobs. In moving with the times, PAG has made a swift move towards more convenient and effective web-based recruitment solutions,” concludes Pulella.
Article by SA Good News