Have you just finished your Matric exam? If so, this could be a very scary position to be in for some as you now no longer have the “safety net” environment that your parents and teachers have provided for you.

Step 1: Acknowledge your achievements!

First of all, congratulations! Completing high school is a big deal and you deserve all the praise you get from your friends and family, but don’t forget to be proud of yourself! Take some time to look back at what you have accomplished! Take confidence from your success and get ready to tackle your next challenge. 

Step 2: Take it easy

Now that you are done, give yourself a bit of a break. It’s time to catch up on your hobbies and recharge. Taking time to recharge ensures that you have more energy to take on future tasks. Be sure to re-charge only for a short period. You don’t want to break the routine that you have already refined during your matric year. A tertiary education has its own challenges and you need to ensure that the routine developed in high school years is maintained.

Step 3: Choose a direction

If you haven’t already, decide what is next for you. Whether it is continuing your studies, or starting a new job, make sure you set long term goals that you are constantly working towards. Think long and hard about what you want out of life, and how you are going to get it.

Step 4: Put your plans into action

You can do anything that you set your mind to, but first you need to have a plan and set goals. Once you have those you can work towards making your dreams come true.

Some goals you set might take time to achieve but be patient, work hard and you will succeed!