The Animation School is South Africa’s leading internationally Accredited Animation and Visual Effects training centre, and we consistently produce qualified Digital Animators with practical skills in the creation of 3D-Animation and Visual Effects. The Animation School offers a three-year Animation Diploma and equips students with cutting edge animation training enabling them to become highly qualified and sought after animation professionals. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in animation, our animation course will provide you with the very best animation training in South Africa.
At The Animation School we have concentrated on structuring a curriculum that produces animators versus just software operators. Think of it like this: knowing how to use Word Perfect on a computer doesn’t automatically make you a novelist!
Our curriculum works and it works hard. This viewpoint is supported by the consistent prizes and accolades that our students win. We concentrate on giving students a solid foundation of 3D artistic development – both on a creative and technical level. So that when it comes time for international and local employers to assess potential job candidates, The Animation School’s students stand head and shoulders above the rest.
Furthermore, our curriculum is supported by industry authorities to make sure that the education we provide meets the ever-changing requirements of the animation industry. And as a successful graduate who has finished our 3-year full time course, you will have developed and refined your artistic talent to an entry-level skills level for acceptance in the highly competitive animation industry.
As an Internationally Accredited Animation and Visual Effects training centre, The Animation School is the leading institution in South Africa certified to issue its graduates with internationally recognised certificates for Hollywood-industry standard software.
Visit The Animation School’s website for more information on their course offerings and services.