If you are struggling with outstanding study fees at your institution do not despair. Students on average struggle with paying their study fees as well as entertaining their busy student lifestyles due to the fact that they usually have little or no income at all.
Although receiving those threatening SMS’s at the end of every week or month might cause feelings of fear and despair, don’t give up hope help might be easier to access than you think.
The best way to deal with debt is to be aware of the problem and to manage it so that you are in control.
Here are a few tips to help you gain control.
Don’t stress,
Ignoring those letters wont make the problem go away
Your debt won’t just go away and if you choose to ignore the problem it will only get worse. The best way to deal with debt is to deal with it head on, know how much you owe and correspond with those you owe informing them of your current situation. Keep copy of these emails and written letters.
Double your income
Most of the time your student loan / grant won’t cover all your expenses. Apply for a waiter job or something that will secure another source of income.
Most of the time, working on a budget will entitle you to distribute your money accurately and help you not go without the essentials.
Never give up!
Giving up will mean that your debt has gained control of you and your life and this will only make things worse for you and those around you. Pay those that need paying or try your best at persuading them to accept the offer that you can make.