CPUT design students

The country’s latest crop of hot young designers showcased their work at the annual Informatics and Design year end exhibition on Tuesday.

The fashion show is the highlight of the exhibition which will open for the rest of the week from 9am to 4pm and takes place in the Multi-purpose Hall at the Cape Town Campus. This exhibition is open until Friday afternoon.

The doors of the entire design school are flung open for the four day event and prospective students, parents, industry partners and staff are invited to peruse the graduates’ body of work. This includes the journalism, jewellery, industrial, graphic design, fashion, and photography departments. See CPUT courses

Yesterday fashion students exhibited their work to a jam-packed audience filled with journalists, photographers, industry artists and family and friends.

The big winner of the night was BTech student Tamara Dyson who was recently picked as the winner of the Mr Price/Elle Rising Star award.

Other students to receive special industry awards included Kelli Botha who recently shared a Woolworths shop front window exhibit with fellow student Caela Viviers.

For more information contact Munira Allie at alliem@cput.ac.za.

Cape Peninsula University of Technology is featured institution on SAstudy.co.za