Cape Peninsula University of TechnologyCape Peninsula University of Technology

Student Counselling:

The service is aimed at facilitating individuals’ personal development and wellness, enabling students to realize their full potential and ultimately achieve academic and career success. Students and prospective students are counselled individually or in small groups. The main focus of the service is to assist students in making life transitions and adapting to the social and academic demands of university life. Student counselling offers: career counselling; learning skills counselling; personal and emotional counselling, life-skills workshops and crisis counselling.
Potentially the Counselling service is available to the whole university, but with the limited resources of the Unit it would not be possible to provide a service to all the students at the same level of intensity. For this reason the policy of the Unit is to provide counselling interventions at different levels of intensity as needed by particular groups of students.

HIV/AIDS Living with Hope:

The living with hope programme includes individual counselling around the immediate issues after diagnosis, such as:

  • Coping with loss and grief
  • Partner notification and disclosure
  • Safer sex practices
  • Infection control
  • Dealing with specific concerns of the student
  • Provide primary health care e.g. monthly check-ups and vitamin supplies
  • Referral to relevant health authorities and research units to assess the possibility of the students to start anti-retroviral drugs, if they should meet trial requirements.
  • Provide and check social and emotional support

Student Health Service

The Health Clinic provides a professional health service to students and staff on campus. All ailments that do not require surgical or therapeutic interventions are treated at the Clinic by full-time nursing and medical staff. Professional primary health care such as family planning, post-coital contraception, pap-smear, vaccinations and eye screening are also provided.
The Health Clinic functions as part of the Counseling and Health Department within the Division of Student Affairs