Bachelor of Science in Sound Engineering Technology

Duration: 3 Years Full Time

Designed to produce a grounding in engineering science, design and synthesis. Working knowledge of a wide range of audio circuits and equipment frequently encountered in professional audio. Design, construction, repair, modification and commissioning of audio equipment. A broad and applied IT skills set. A thorough understanding of the technical aspects of professional audio and broadcasting environments.

5ITSkll – Computer Skills

This is a computer literacy course that introduces the learner to the components and architecture of computers, with an emphasis on sound engineering application.

5PrcSnd – Processing Sound

The student is introduced to the fundamental concepts of hearing, the human ear and to the fundamental and basic concepts of the physics of sound.

5PrcMxr – Audio Mixers

This course entails a detailed analysis of a generic analogue audio mixer. The function and controls of each mixer section are described in detail, as is the signal flow between the various mixer sections.

5DigAud – Digital Audio Theory

This course introduces the learner to the theory of digital audio. A bridge between analogue and digital concepts is built and appropriate use of digital audio vocabulary is established.

5Dig101 – Introduction to DAW

An introduction to Digital Audio Workstation principles of operation. This highly practical hands-on course provides the learner with the basic skills necessary to complete a simple recording project, from initial set up to final mix-down.

In order to maintain a very high standard and to produce the world’s top graduates in the professional audio field, entry requirements for this degree are very high, but not unobtainable. They include achieving a minimum of 60% for Mathematics. We then have a points system in place where we assign values to certain subjects and multiply the percentage achieved by the value of the subject. Please contact our offices for detailed information.

Academy of Sound Engineering students who do not meet the entry requirements, but who have a proven track record of high achievement in one of our other programmes, may apply to our academic board for special exemption in order to gain access to this academically rigorous programme.

For more info
Academy of Sound Engineering
T: +27 011 482 9200