This Course Will Equip You To Help Your Employer-Optimise Sales And Customer Service Whether You Are Employed In Pharmacy, A Health Shop Or Veterinary Practice. The Training Will Provide An Understanding Of The Relevant Health Conditions, Where Advice May Be Offered And The Products That May Be Recommended. Training Is Also Provided On How To Optimise Telephone Communication And Service Plus The Administrative Tasks Required. Please Note That We Have Changed The Name Of This Course From Pharmacy Assistant. The Name Has Been Changed As This Career Boosting Course Will Not Lead To Professional Registration, And Is Useful In Various Healthcare Sales Settings And As A Stepping Stone Into The Professions.
Course Outline
This course will equip you to help your employer-optimise sales and customer service whether you are employed in pharmacy, a health shop or veterinary practice.
The training will provide an understanding of the relevant health conditions, where advice may be offered and the products that may be recommended. Training is also provided on how to optimise telephonecommunication and service plus the administrativetasks required.
Please note that we have changed the name of this course from Pharmacy Assistant. The name has been changed as this career boosting course will not lead to professional registration. It is useful in various healthcare sales settings and as a stepping stone into the professions.
All courses are offered through a blended medium of webinars, contact sessions and self study.
16 weeks, one morning per week contact sessions
Course Accreditation
This short course has been designed as a career boosting program. It is based on workplace requirements and is not currently accredited with any qualifications authority as this is not possible at present.
For more information about this course, the content, duration, fees and access please complete IntellectusCampus.