Nelson Mandela Metropolitan UniversityNelson Mandela Metropolitan University


The programme is designed to equip candidates with the knowledge and skills needed to operate as professional public relations practitioners. The programme has been accredited with the Public Relations Institute of South Africa (PRISA).

The programme also requires the student to undergo one year of experiential training in order to qualify for the diploma.

Admission requirements

(Please note that these are the specific programme admission requirements – the university has its own minimum admission requirements.)


  • Admission Points Score of 32.
  • Minimum NSC requirements for diploma entry must be met, but a  minimum NSC requirement for degree entry is strongly recommended..
  • English, Afrikaans or isiXhosa (home language or first additional language) on at least level 4 (50-59%), which must include the language subjects to be taken in the diploma, and one of which must be English.
  • NSC achievement rating of at least 2 (30-39%) for Mathematics or 3 (40-49%) for Mathematical Literacy.
  • Applicants with an Admission Points Score between 22 and 31 may be referred to write the Access Assessment Battery before a decision is made on whether or not to admit the applicant to the course.
  • Applicants may also be provisionally admitted on the basis of work experience, age and maturity. Admission is at the discretion of the Head of Department.


  • Senior Certificate comprising Higher Grade and Standard Grade subjects only, with at least HG=D or SG=B for two languages, which must include the language modules to be taken in the diploma.
  • Matriculation exemption will be a strong recommendation.
  • Learners must score at least 30 points on the university’s SPS rating scale.
  • Applicants who do not meet the requirements for direct admission, and who have an SPS of 18 or higher, may be referred to write the Access Assessment Battery before a decision is made on whether or not to admit the applicant to the course.
  • Candidates will be required to answer an interest questionnaire.
  • Applicants may also be provisionally admitted on the basis of work experience, age and maturity. Admission is at the discretion of the Head of Department.

Comulsory Subjects

First year subjects:
  • Business Studies: Public Relations
  • Communication Science
  • Introduction to word processing
  • Media studies
  • Public relations
  • Social psychology
Second year subjects:
  • Communication science
  • Industrial relations
  • Law for public relations
  • Marketing and advertising: public relations
  • Media studies
  • Advanced writing
  • Desktop publishing
  • Photography
  • Public Relations
Third year subjects:
  • Communication science
  • Public relations
  • Public relations practice

Careers: communications officer, public relations officer.

For more info: NMMU