A diploma will be issued on the completion of 28 subjects (four semesters university
education) and two semesters experiential training at an approved employer. The
experiential training, in six month periods, is registered at the University and preferably
phased in after completion of at least the fourth semester of university attendance.
: Engineering Workstudy I, Mechanics I, Production Engineering: Industrial
I, Computer Programming & Skills IA, Electrical Engineering I, Mathematics I, Applied
Communication Skills 1.1.
: Qualitative Techniques I, Mechanical Engineering Drawing I, Engineering
Workstudy II, Production Engineering: Industrial II, Manufacturing Relations II, Applied
Communication Skills 1.2, Mathematics II.
: Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering I, Costing, Facility Layout and
Materials Handling II, Applied Communication Skills 2.1, Quality Assurance II,
Mathematics III, Maintenance Engineering I.
: Engineering Work Study III, Industrial Accounting III, Operational
Research III, Automation III, Industrial Leadership III, Strength of Materials III*,
Mechanical Manufacturing II, Applied Communication Skills 2.2.
Note: *two approved subjects from the Mechanical Engineering curriculum.
The Vaal University of Technology will provide assistance to students in securing
placements for experiential training, but does not guarantee such placements.