Boston CampusBoston Campus

HIV/AIDS Counselling & Management

Level 5 (140 credits)

Core Subjects (Compulsory)

  • Counselling
  • Sexuality Education
  • HIV/AIDS Education
  • Nutrition and HIV/AIDS
  • HIV/AIDS Counselling and Management
  • Care and Support for Affected and Infected
  • Developing a Workplace Policy and Training Programme

Personality Profile

  • Diplomatic
  • Communicative
  • Patient
  • Helpful


  • Possess the skills, attitude and value system necessary to deal with those infected and affected
  • Understand the various aspects of the disease and all its implications
  • Be able to train the trainer.
  • Be able to provide sound advice with regard to nutrition and ideal eating habits

Special Features

  • Self – assessment exercises throughout.
  • Aims to change behaviour in an educationally accountable and lasting manner.
  • Each subject can be studied individually as a separate short course.

Entry Requirement:

It is compulsory that a Learner has achieved Grade 12 with English and Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy.

It is essential that the Learner proceeds with the subjects in the order in which they are listed on this page, beginning with Counselling and ending with Developing a Workplace Policy and Training Programme.

An opportunity for you to make a difference!
The Boston Programme addresses the epidemic in a holistic manner, focusing on various topics including conventional prevention, care and support for the infected and affected, nutrition, counselling, community networking in a multi-disciplinary manner and policy development.

The Programme is suitable for the further training of nurses, social workers, teachers, and human resource development staff of companies and institutions.

In line with recent educational developments, the Programme is Outcomes Based, aiming to balance knowledge with skills, attitudes and values. Become the part of the link to successfully curb the spread of the HIV/AIDS in South Africa.

Why does the Boston HIV/AIDS Programme work?
The HIV/AIDS learning Programme has been developed by a multi-disciplinary team of experts including respected medical practitioners working in the field of HIV/AIDS, clinical and counselling Psychologists, Counsellors, HIV/AIDS Educationalists as well as Sexologists in association with the relevant role players and stakeholders.

The Programme has a holistic and integrated approach, which is centred on the Learner. Our Programme moves beyond awareness and will equip you with the practical knowledge, tools, skills and strategies to deal with problems at grassroots level.

This Programme is supported by the Health Department and has been endorsed by the South African Society for Sexuality Educators


For more information or to apply, please click here.