The student will be taught a broad and intensive range of technical skills and create their own original limited edition prints from copper plates. Relevant notes will be provided and materials will be supplied for small sundries. This is an intense workshop – from design to actual print production in one day.

Materials supplied: 1 copper plate, hard ground, spray-paint, rags, methylated spirits, turpentine, calcium carbonate, ammonia, ferric chloride, etching ink, Fabriano Rosapina Bianco paper, Artline Koki newsprint, rollers and notes.

REQUIREMENTS:Linear image as a source idea. Rubber gloves and protective clothing, 1 x etching needle/protractor/large needle.

LECTURER: Eunice Geustyn
COST: R 840.00
DURATION: 3 lessons/9 Hours
TIME: Tuesday evenings 5:45pm -8:45pm
NEXT COURSES:4th February 2014 to 18th February 2014


The student will be taught a broad and intensive range of technical skills and create their own original limited edition prints. Relevant notes will be provided and materials will be supplied. This is an intense workshop – from design to actual print production in one day.

Materials supplied:  1 copper plate and plate from Hard ground to be Aquatinted, soft ground, spray-paint, rags, methylated spirits, turpentine, calcium carbonate, ammonia, ferric chloride, etching ink, Fabriano Rosapina Bianco paper, Artline Koki newsprint, brushes, rollers and notes.

REQUIREMENTS:1 Textural image as a source idea. Rubber gloves and protective clothing.
LECTURER: Eunice Geustyn
COST: R880.00
DURATION: 3lessons/ 9 Hours
TIME: Tuesdays 5:45-8:45 pm
NEXT COURSES: 4th March 2014 to 18th March 2014


Course Content: Day One

Theoretical  (Detailed Notes are provided)

-Historical Overview
-Limited Editions versus Commercial Reproduction
-Technical Relationships between printing products, equipment, environments and substrates and printing techniques
-Positives- Autographic and Photographic- Halftones
-Health and Safety in a printmaking environment.

Practical: The student will generate their own Design/ Creative Image and create a Positive. The Positive will be sent away to be exposed to generate a photo-stencil.

Day Two

Theoretical: The student will be shown how to set up their own simple inexpensive studio
Practical: The student will learn to use a Flatbed Press, how to Register, use a Squeegee to print and generate a Limited Edition from their Design/ Creative Image.

REQUIREMENTS: 1 image as a source idea. Rubber gloves and protective clothing.
LECTURER: Eunice Geustyn and Mignon Hattingh
COST: R 1 215.00
DURATION: 3 Lesson: 9 Hours
TIME: Saturday mornings 10:00am – 13:00pm


This exciting course explores Painting. Students have the opportunity to develop and explore their painting skills from the absolute Beginner to those with some experience. Special emphasis is placed on exploring colour theories and acrylic paint as well as developing personal imagery, in addition to working from still life to a live model.

Required materials:  List is available from administration
Module 1: This Module focuses on beginning drawing skills, proportion, perspective, negative space, mark making and use of different drawing materials

NEXT COURSE:  Module 1: 25 January – 29 March 2014

Module 2: Focuses on more in depth drawing, texture, ink drawing, different shading techniques, use of collage & mixed media

NEXT COURSE: Module 2: 5 April – 14 June 2014

Module 3: Focuses on anatomy, figure, portraits etc. In depth drawing, texture, ink drawing, different shading techniques, use of collage and mixed media. This course is open to beginners as well.

NEXT COURSE: Module 3: 28 July – 6 September 2014

Module 4: Introducing colour, the colour wheel, beginner’s painting, depth and space, colour theories such as complimentaries, in depth painting, with figures, still life, introduction to portraiture, landscape and exploring relationship to art etc.
NEXT COURSE:  Module 4: 13 September – 22 November 2013

LECTURER: Kami Brodie
COST: R 1 575.00 per module
DURATION:10 Lesson: 30 hours
TIME: Saturday Morning’s 10:00pm – 1:00pm
CLASSES: 10-15

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