
This programme provides students with the skills and knowledge to work as highly trained professionals in one of the following fields: urban engineering, water engineering, transportation engineering or environmental engineering. The offering of these disciplines is subject to sufficient student numbers, and the availability of sufficient resources.

Take note: After completion of the BTech and a minimum of three years industrial experience a candidate may apply to the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) for registration as a professional engineering technologist.

(Please note that these are the specific programme admission requirements – the university has its own minimum admission requirements.)

The minimum admission requirement is a National Diploma: Civil Engineering or the old National Higher Diploma: Civil Engineering. In addition, applicants are required to have at least two years of post-diploma work experience prior to their entering the B Tech programme, or an average of 65% in their level 3 National Diploma modules.

Qualification objectives

  • This qualification provides the academic component required to register as a Professional Technologist at the Engineering Council of SA. Certain experiential requirements are also set by ECSA. This in turn also leads to international recognition.
  • The qualification also serves as the academic admission requirement for further postgraduate studies in Civil Engineering at the NMMU.

The following four disciplines are offered at the NMMU:
Environmental Engineering (4336) (not offered currently)
Transportation Engineering (4333)
Urban Engineering (4335)
Water Engineering (4334) (not offered currently)

The offering of these disciplines is subject to sufficient student numbers and the availability of sufficient resources.

Format of offering
This qualification is offered on a block format, which broadly entails short periods of concentrated study at the NMMU, the so-called contact sessions, alternating with longer periods of self-study away from the NMMU. Generally, two modules (or one) will be offered per discipline per semester.

Qualification of offeringsThe qualification aims to offer all the modules over a two-year cycle. For each module, the prerequisite knowledge will be documented and made available to prospective students. Students will thus be allowed into a qualification at any point in the cycle of offering of the qualification, but the onus will be on them to ensure that they gain the prerequisite knowledge.

Evaluation procedures
All the B Tech modules are classified as 100% class mark modules. There are no formal examinations in these modules. In general, the evaluation for the theory module of each main module will be based on three tests and two assignments and the project module will be evaluated separately. The final mark will be a weighted average of these evaluation components.

The weighting of each of these evaluation components will be conveyed to students at the beginning of a qualification. In order to pass the main module, a student needs to obtain at least 50% for the final mark of each of the modules, and at least 40% for each of the evaluation components of the theory module. Should a student not meet the minimum pass requirements for any of the modules of the main module, the result for the main module will be indicated as “Studies not yet completed”.

If a student, for reasons beyond his/her control, is absent from a test, a request for special consideration may be lodged in writing with the Head of Department, within three days after the date of the test. Each case will be treated on its merits, with the general performance of the applicant being taken into account as well. If a special evaluation is granted, a fee may be charged to cover the expenses involved.

Re-admission policy
A student who progresses at a slower rate than that set out in the following table, will be refused registration on the grounds of “poor academic performance”.

Recognition of modules done at other HE institutions
The Department will recognise modules done at other HE institutions for exemption, according to the General Prospectus of the NMMU, subject to the following criteria:

a. Generally, no modules in the fourth-year curriculums will be recognised for exemption. However, exemptions may be considered for the theory modules provided that the student has registered at least once for the said module at the NMMU but has been unsuccessful in passing the module.

b. The theory modules to be exempted according to (a) must appear in the curriculums offered by the NMMU.

c. No more than two such B Tech theory modules may be thus exempted.

Obtaining the qualification
The qualification shall be obtained by completing the modules prescribed by Senate.

Awarding the qualification cum laude
Unless Senate decides otherwise, the qualification shall be awarded cum laude if candidates comply with the relevant General Rules for the Baccalaureus Technologiae qualifications.

The qualification shall extend over at least one year of full-time study (not being offered at present) or two years of part-time study (block format).


For more information on this course and modules, CLICK HERE