2013 University of Free State Application Registration

This interdisciplinary learning programme is aimed at students that are interested in mathematics in the financial world. Financial institutions such as banks, insurance and investment companies need well trained mathematicians with a sound base in the economic sciences. This combination of skills offers excellent career opportunities for graduates that can do mathematical analyses of financial problems. Students can decide how big emphasis they want to put on the various disciplines. Postgraduate study will enable a person to handle more complex financial models.

Type: undergraduate degree

Duration: 3 years full time

Compulsory Subjects

First year subjects:
  • Mathematics
  • Computer literacy
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Geosciences
Second year subjects:
  • Mathematics and applied mathematics
Third year subjects:
  • Mathematics and applied mathematics

Careers: financial analyst, researcher, educator, financial advisor.

Source: www.ufs.ac.za