All fields of study of the BEng degree have been accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), and comply with the academic requirements for registration as a professional engineer.
Type: Undergraduate degree
Duration: 4 years full time
Compulsory Subjects
First year subjects:
- Graphic communication
- Calculus
- Materials science
- Electricity and electronics
- Computer literacy
- Innovation
- Linear algebra
- Physics
- Mechanics
- General chemistry
- Information literacy
Second year subjects:
- Calculus
- Differential equations
- Introduction to structural design
- Geomaterials and processes
- Town and regional planning
- Engineering economics
- Engineering statistics
- Numerical methods
- Structural analysis
- Pavement material and design
- Water treatment
- Civil engineering measurement Techniques
- Communication skills
- Technological entrepreneurship
Third year subjects:
- Dynamics
- Rural water supply
- Introductory GIS
- Hydraulics
- Timber design
- Structural analysis
- Transportation engineering
- Civil construction economics
- Soil mechanics
- Geotechnical engineering
- Steel design
- Reinforced concrete design
- Highway design
- Construction management and equipment
- Civil building materials
- Project management
Fourth year subjects:
- Hydraulics
- Research project
- Steel design
- Reinforced concrete design
- Transportation planning
- Professional ethics and practice
- Environmental geotechnology
- Design project
Careers: Civil Engineer.