Apply at Tuks 2013

The programme extends over a period of four years of full-time study in preparation of registration with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as a Nurse (General, Psychiatric and Community) and Midwife/Accoucheur). Due to the compulsory practical and clinical training component as well as professional development, the curriculum cannot be completed in less than four years.

Type: undergraduate degree

Duration: 4 years full time

Compulsory Subjects

First year subjects:
  • Anatomy
  • Medical terminology
  • Philosophy
  • Academic literacy
  • Computer literacy
  • Sepedi
  • IsiZulu
  • Physiology
  • Nursing Studies
  • Dynamics of nursing practice
  • Nursing practice education
Second year subjects:
  • Microbiology
  • Physiology
  • Psychology
  • Community development
  • Systems of healthcare
  • Nursing studies
  • Dynamics of nursing practice
  • Nursing practice education
Third year subjects:
  • Pharmacology
  • Nursing studies
  • Dynamics of nursing practice
  • Nursing practice education
Fourth year subjects:
  • Nursing studies
  • Dynamics of nursing practice
  • Nursing practice education
  • Research in healthcare science

Careers: nurse, matron.
