This degree is characterised by the considerable number of law subjects, especially in the second and third years of study. However in the third year of study only one management-based major subject can be accommodated.
Type: undergraduate degree
Duration: 3 years full time
Compulsory Subjects
First year subjects:
- Economics
- Business management
- Accounting
- Introduction to legal studies
- Afrikaans for the profession
- Business English
- Latin
- Legal history
- Roman law
- Law of persons
- Family law
Second year subjects:
- Economics
- Business management
- Management accounting
- Law of contract
- Law of succession and administration
- Computer literacy
- Law of evidence
- Criminal law
Third year subjects:
- Economics
- Business management
- Management accounting
- Law of thing
- Legal interpretation
- Labour law
- Criminal law
- Law of delict
- Criminal procedure
- Accounting for law
- Criminology for law
Careers: attorney, legal advisor, lawyer, judge.