Stellenbosch UniversityStellenbosch University

This programme covers the field of Wine Production Systems and equips you with knowledge of the grapevine, its structure and its scientific manipulation. In this way you are trained to develop, in harmony with the environment, sustainable product types that can be used to produce unique wines. You also acquire a thorough knowledge of the chemical and biological processes involved in the production of wine and brandy products.

Type: Undergraduate Degree

Duration: 3 years Full-time

Compulsory Subjects

First Year Subjects:
  • Grape Production
  • Introduction to Oenology
Second Year Subjects:
  • Cultivar Science
  • Phonology
  • Physiology
  • Plant  material improvement, propagation and table grape science
  • Principles and techniques of wine making
Third Year Subjects:
  • Vineyard Management
  • Table grapes and grapevine abnormalities
  • Vineyard Cultivation Practices
  • Vineyard Establishment and selection of locations for wine grape cultivation
  • Wine Stabilization, quality control and environmental management
  • Applied Wine Microbiology
  • Applied Fermentation Chemistry and Wine Analysis
  • Wines and Brandies, Regulation

Careers: Wine maker, Vineyard Manager, Cellar Manager.
