Stellenbosch UniversityStellenbosch University

The BTh is divided into two sub-programmes. The one sub-programme focuses on Ancient Languages (Biblical Hebrew and Greek), while the other sub-programme, which is presented without Ancient Languages, enables a wider presentation to be made within Old and New Testament Theology and Theological Hermeneutics. This sub-programme also provides a possibility of choices in other none-theological disciplines that are relevant to the training of Christian leaders, pastoral caregivers and ministers. Students must themselves ascertain what their denomination’s requirements in respect of biblical languages are. After completion of the first, second and third years of the BTh programme in the sub-programme without Ancient Languages, a student can exit the BTh programme by obtaining the BTS degree.

Type: Undergraduate Degree

Duration: 4 years Full-time

Compulsory Subjects

First Year Subjects:
  • Theology
  • Biblical Hebrew and Greek
  • Information Skills
Second Year Subjects:
  • Theology
  • Biblical Hebrew and Greek
Third Year Subjects:
  • Theology
  • Biblical Hebrew and Greek
Fourth Year Subjects:
  • Theology
  • Biblical Hebrew and Greek

Careers: Minister
