Apply at Tuks 2013

The programme extends over four academic years, during which period a student receives clinical training as a student occupational therapist at an institution approved by the University.

Type: undergraduate degree

Duration: 4 years full time

Compulsory Subjects

First year subjects:
  • Computer literacy
  • Academic literacy
  • Information literacy
  • Anatomy
  • Psychology
  • Community development
  • Physiology
  • Medical terminology
  • Basic emergency care
  • Occupational science
  • Occupational therapy
Second year subjects:
  • Psychology
  • Physiology
  • Research and professional development
  • Occupational science
  • Occupational therapy
Third year subjects:
  • Research and professional development
  • Anatomical pathology
  • Occupational science
  • Occupational Therapy
Fourth year of study:
  • Research and professional development
  • Occupational science
  • Occupational science

Careers: occupational therapist.
