Requirements for admission

(Please note that these are the specific programme admission requirements – the university has its own minimum admission requirements.)


  • Admission Points Score of 38.
  • Minimum NSC requirements for degree entry must be met.
  • English, Afrikaans or isiXhosa (home language or first additional language) on at least level 3 (40-49%).
  • NSC achievement rating of at least 5 (60-69%) for Mathematics.
  • NSC achievement rating of at least 5 (60-69%) for Physical Sciences.
  • Applicants with an Admission Points Score between 35 and 37 may be referred to write the Access Assessment Battery before a decision is made on whether or not to admit the applicant to the course.
  • Places are limited and admission is subject to selection.


  • Matriculation exemption/endorsement.
  • Mathematics (HG=E or SG=C).
  • A pass in Physical Science and, preferably, Biology.
  • Learners must score at least 38 points on the university’s SPS rating scale.
  • Places are limited and admission is subject to selection.
  • Applicants with an SPS of 18 or higher may be reffered to write the Access Assessment Battery before a decision is made on whether or not to admit the applicant to the course.

Duly Performed requirements:
Students must attend 100% of practical sessions. A medical certificate on the University Form is required if practical sessions are not attended. During registration for BPharm 2, 3, and 4, students are required to complete a minimum of 280 externship hours in a community and/or hospital pharmacy, of which a minimum of 80 hours must have been completed during the final year of study.

Practical training undertaken during the BPharm programme:
The University is not responsible for transportation and subsistence costs incurred during periods of on-site training at hospitals, clinics and other practice venues. This includes, inter alia, one week’s externship in a primary health care setting during the June/July vacation of the final year of study.

First Aid Training:
A current Advanced Level 3 First Aid Certificate is a prerequisite for the module Pharmacy and the Professional Environment 401 (ZPS401). Students are responsible for the cost of First Aid training.

Registration with the South African Pharmacy Council:
Students are required to register with the South African Pharmacy Council at the beginning of BPharm 2, and to pay the required registration fees directly to the SAPC.

After obtaining the degree, candidates must successfully complete an internship before they may register as a pharmacist with the SAPC.

Oral Examination:
A Pharmacy Practice oral examination is compulsory for all students who must still complete one or more Pharmacy Practice modules in their final year of study.

Exit-level Major Modules:
The four major subject areas for the curriculum include Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy and the Professional Environment, Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Placement, and are presented as the following exit-level major modules: ZTM401, ZPS401, ZCP401, ZTM402, ZPS402 and ZCP400.

Candidates shall be selected on merit during the year preceding the first year of study.

Obtaining the degree
The degree shall be obtained by completing such modules as are prescribed by Senate.

Except for WRFC101, candidates may not register for any third-year modules if they have outstanding first-year modules, nor may they register for any fourth-year modules if they have any outstanding second-year modules.

Promotion to a following year of study
Unless Senate decides otherwise, candidates who have failed modules with a total credit value of not more than 18 credits or less may nevertheless be permitted to progress to the following academic year of study. Except for WRFC101, candidates may not register for any third-year modules if they have outstanding first-year modules, nor may they register for any fourth-year modules if they have any outstanding second-year modules.

Should students fail modules with a total credit value of not more than 19 to 40 credits, they may be allowed to register for some modules of the following academic year with a total credit value of not more than 20 credits, at the discretion of the Head of Department, provided that there are no timetable clashes and that all prerequisites are met. Under no circumstances may students be permitted to register for any modules from the following year of study should they have failed more than 40 credits in the previous year.

Re-admission Rules
In order to be re-admitted to the Bachelor of Pharmacy, a student needs to have accumulated a minimum number of credits at the end of each year of study, as indicated in the table below. If that has not been achieved, the student may either be re-admitted subject to certain conditions or be refused re-admission. In the event of refusal a student may lodge an appeal in terms of the prescribed procedure.

The programme shall extend over at least four academic years of full-time study.

For more information on this course and modules, CLICK HERE