
This programme allows students to specialise in one of four different areas of human movement science, and to complement this with additional subjects such as languages, psychology or physiology, to suit their career plans. The four specialisation areas are:

  • Exercise science
  • Recreation
  • Sport management
  • Sport science

Take note:

  • For students with an interest in business, NMMU also offers a BCom in Sport and Recreation Management.
  • Human Movement Science can also be combined with Physiology and Biochemistry in a BSc degree.
  • Candidates may also enrol for a BA degree with majors in Human Movement Science.

(Please note that these are the specific programme admission requirements – the university has its own minimum admission requirements.)

  • Admission Points Score of 36.
  • Minimum NSC requirements for degree entry must be met.
  • English, Afrikaans or isiXhosa (home language or first additional language) on at least level 3 (40-49%).
  • NSC achievement rating of at least 2 (30-39%) for Mathematics or 4 (50-59%) for Mathematical Literacy.
  • Applicants with an Admission Points Score between 26 and 35 may be referred to write the Access Assessment Battery before a decision is made on whether or not to admit the applicant to the course.
  • Candidates must pass a medical examination as required by the Department of Human Movement Science.


  • Matriculation exemption/endorsement.
  • Learners must score at least 31 points on the university’s SPS rating scale.
  • A pass in Biology is preferred.
  • Applicants who do not meet the requirements for direct admission, and who have an SPS of 18 or higher, may be referred to write the Access Assessment Battery before a decision is made on whether or not to admit the applicant to the course.
  • Candidates must pass a medical examination as required by the Department of Human Movement Science.

Obtaining the degree
The degree shall be obtained by completing the modules prescribed by Senate.

Candidates shall be examined both during and at the end of each module.  The examinations shall consist of continuous practical evaluation as well as a written examination.

Readmission Rules
In order to be re-admitted to the Bachelor of Human Movement Science, a student needs to have accumulated a minimum number of credits at the end of each year of study, as indicated in the table below. If that has not been achieved, the student may either be re-admitted subject to certain conditions or be refused re-admission. In the event of refusal a student may lodge an appeal in terms of the prescribed procedure.

Career fields

  • Biokinetics (Exercise Science)
  • Excercise Science (Biokinetics)
  • Human Movement Science (Exercise Science)
  • Human Movement Science (Recreation)
  • Human Movement Science (Sport Science)
  • Human Movement Science (Sports Management)
  • Sport Science
  • Recreation
  • Sport Management

The qualification shall extend over at least three years of full-time study.

For more information on this course and modules, CLICK HERE