Each of the three years of the course is made up of (1) compulsory modules; and (2) limited-option modules allowing students a choice from a prescribed list of modules.
Type: undergraduate degree
Duration: 3 year full time
Compulsory Subjects
First year subject:
- Introduction to general geoscience
- Introduction to human geography and cartography
- General reasoning skill
- Basic computer literacy
- Information skills
- Advanced computer literacy
Second year subjects:
- Urban development
- Process geomorphology and geomorphic hazards
- Introduction to tourism
- Environmental studies
- Geographic information systems
- Tourism: safety and security
Third year subjects:
- Applied urban development and spatial transformation
- Environmental geomorphology
- Tourism and policy
- Environmental management and –analysis
- Geographic information systems
- Tourism and local economic development
Careers: Graduates can be employed by the State, non-governmental organisations and the private sector as geographers, development planners and managers, land-use planners, urban managers, environmental managers and Geographical Information System (GIS) users.
Source: www.ufs.ac.za