What is the Masakhi’ iSizwe Centre of Excellence?

At the beginning of 2006, the Department of Transport and Public Works of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape established the Masakh’ iSizwe Centre of Excellence with the vision to make available to the province, the country and the continent of Africa cohorts of professionals in engineering and built environment fields critical to the growth of the economy. These professionals will be characterised by excellence in learning, citizenship and service.

Which Bursaries Does the Masakh’ iSizwe Centre Offer?

The Masakhi’ iSizwe Centre of Excellence offers bursaries for study towards a degree or higher diploma in the following disciplines:

  • Architecture.
  • Construction Management.
  • Civil Engineering.
  • Electrical Engineering.
  • Mechanical Engineering.
  • Quantity Surveying.
  • Town and Regional Planning.

What Does the Bursary Cover?

During term time the bursaries cover:

  • Tuition fees.
  • all prescribed books and materials.
  • accommodation and meals (or transport costs).

Bursaries are renewed each year for the duration of the degree, subject to academic performance and fulfilment of the bursary conditions.

Will I Have to Pay or Work Anything Back?

The bursaries are offered on a work-back basis. In other words, you will have to work for the public service for every year of the bursary. During your studies you will also need to:

  • Attend workshops, learning events and meetings organised by the Centre.
  • Undertake academic vacation placements at sites determined by the Centre.
  • Participate in service learning and/or volunteer programmes organised by the Centre.

Where Can the Bursaries be Taken up?

  • University of Cape Town.
  • University of the Western Cape.
  • University of Stellenbosch.
  • Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

Who Can Apply for a Bursary?

To apply for one of these bursaries you must be:

  • A South African citizen.
  • Be accepted at the relevant tertiary institution.

Preference will be given to financially disadvantaged female learners from rural areas of South Africa.


How Do I Apply?

Bursaries are advertised in all leading and community newspapers during September each year. The closing date for applications is 30 September every year. Applications can be faxed or delivered to:

Masakh’iSizwe Centre of Excellence

Department of Transport and Public Works

Private Bag X 9185

Cape Town


Fax: 021 483 2615

You can also download a bursary application form.

Where Can I Find out More Information?

The Department of Transport and Public Works
Jo-Ann Beukes
Project Manager
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 8924
Fax: 021 483 2615
E-mail: Jo-Anne.Beukes@westerncape.gov.za
Lee Maggott
Bursaries Programme Administrator
Tel: 021 483 9545
Fax: 021 483 2615
E-mail: Lee.Maggott@westerncape.gov.za
Masakh’ isizwe Centre of Excellence

For further information, visit westerncape.gov.za