The UNISA Bachelor of Commerce degree in Law is a specialised degree suitable for students who wish to link a commercial background with that of law. A person with this background can work in an insurance company, a merchant bank, or any other financial institution. Graduates can also consider working in the commercial department of a law firm.
Type: undergraduate degree
Duration: 4 years full time
Compulsory Subjects
First year subjects:
- African Customary Law
- Introduction to the Theory of Law
- Law of Persons
- Family Law
- The Foundation of South African Law
- The Origins of South African Law
- Skills Course for Law Students
- General Principles of Criminal Law
- Accounting for Law Practitioners
- English for law Students
Second year subject:
- Law of Succession
- General Principles of Civil Procedure
- Entrepreneurial Law
- Interpretation of Statutes
- Constitutional Law
- Criminal Law: Specific Crimes
- Law of Property
- Fundamental Righta
- Insolvency Law
- Administrative Law
Third year subjects:
- Evidence: The Presentation and Assessment of Evidence
- Law of Contract
- Law of Nagotiable Instruments
- Law of Criminal Procedure
- Enrichment, Liability and Estoppel
- Evidence: Admissibility of Evidence
- Law of Delict
- Labour Law
- Civil Procedure: Court Proceedings
- Law of Criminal Procedure: Trial and Post-trial
Fourth year subjects:
- Media Law
- Company Law
- Specific Forms of Delict
- Law of Sale and Lease
- Forensic Medicine
- Advanced Labour Law
- Advanced Criminal Law
- Compulsory Papers
- Legal Philosophy
- Public International Law
- Professional Ethics
Careers: Legal representative, attoney, magistrate.