What is NYDA?

The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) is a South African youth development agency aimed at creating and promoting coordination in youth development matters. The NYDA results from the merger of the National Youth Commission and Umsobomvu Youth Fund. The NYDA was formally launched on 16 June 2009, as pronounced by His Excellency President JG Zuma in his 2009 State of the Nation Address.

We are young, vibrant and ready to deliver. Let us partner for youth/your development!

Our Vision:

A world–class developmental agency that empowers all South Africa’s youth socially and economically for a better life.

Our Purpose:

To mainstream and integrate youth development for sustainable livelihoods.

Nature of Business:

To initiate, facilitate, implement, coordinate and monitor youth development interventions aimed at reducing youth unemployment and promoting social cohesion

NYDA Mandate & Functions:

The NYDA’s mandate is to:

-Advance youth development through guidance and support to initiatives across sectors of society and spheres of government.
-Embark on initiatives that seek to advance the economic development of young people.
-Develop and coordinate the implementation of the Integrated Youth Development Plan and strategy for the country. The two documents serve as guiding instruments in advancing youth development at all levels of government.

The functions of the NYDA include the following:
-National Youth Service and Social Cohesion
-Economic Participation
-Policy, Research and Development
-Governance, Training and Development
-Youth Advisory and Information Services
-National Youth Fund

Developmental Focus:

-The NYDA’s primary target group is young people aged between 14 and 35 years.
-The majority of our beneficiaries will be from low income households.
-Emphasis will also be on young persons with disabilities.

NYDA’s strategy:

The NYDA has adopted the following 8 Key Performance Areas as part of its strategy:

1. Economic Participation

Aimed at enhancing the participation of young people in the economy through targeted and integrated programmes. The NYDA will support both for-profit businesses as well as social enterprises that promote job placement, self employment and income generating activities.

2. Education and Skills Development

Aimed at promoting access to quality education and skills to both in-school and out of school youth through 2nd chance interventions for school drop-outs and School to Work programmes.

3. Effective and Efficient Operations

The NYDA aims to set efficient and effective management processes that will ensure that resources are managed optimally. This will be done through effective financial management process, risk management, legal, improved business processes and the development of controls.

4. Information Services and Communications

Aimed at providing young people with information about various opportunities aimed at improving their living conditions. Through this area of work, the NYDA will also be able to provide information and career guidance services to young people.

5. National Youth Service

Aimed at providing young people with meaningful and accredited skills and activities that benefit their communities through national service and patriotism.

6. Policy, Lobby and Advocacy

Aimed at creating platforms and other social dialogue forums to engage the state, civil society and other social partners for purpose of mainstreaming youth development.

7. Research, Monitoring and Evaluation

Aimed at generating a body of research, knowledge and best practice in the youth development sector. It will inform various ways through which government, business and other social partners can contribute towards youth development.

8. Social Cohesion

Aimed at engaging young people in activities that build their social capital, networks and strengthen the relationships that bind people and communities together. These activities will propel young people to reach their personal goals and develop their full capacity. Furthermore, young people will be aware of themselves and their rights and responsibilities.

For more information on NYDA, visit their website for the Latest News

To contact your nearest NYDA branch