Choosing the right institution may seem like a daunting task, and rightly so. There are many things to consider when making such a big decision. Some of your big considerations should be; the course that you want to study, tuition, student life on campus and with everything being integrated, you will want to know how the institution ranks in the world. With all these in mind, you start the journey of looking for the place you will call home for the better part of your adult life.

Step 1: Which course do you want to study?

Now that you are ready to start studying make sure you choose a course that aligns to your interests and career aspirations. Your course of choice will determine the institution you will attend as some special programmes are not offered by all institutions.
Tip: take the time to read about the different institutions and their offerings, this will only enhance your knowledge of career options.

Step 2: Make a list of institutions

Make a list of the institutions that offer the field of study you are interested in. Put the list on your wall or door and give constant thought to what will be a big decision. Choosing the correct institution will assist in you one day reaching your career goals. Ask your teachers and use the internet to help point you in the right direction.

Step 3: Do your research on tertiary instituitions in South Africa

Once you have your list start researching these institutions. Find out how long the course is, what points you will need in order to apply and when you will need to apply by. After you have done your research on the list of institutions you are interested in, you can narrow down your choices.

Step 4: Attend the Open Days

Make sure you know when is the open days of the institutions that you are interested in. If you can, visit the campus. This will give you a better indication of the facilities and speak to the tutors and/or current students. You will get the feeling quite quickly if this is the one for you, or if it’s not quite right and you want to carry on looking.

Step 5: Pros and cons

Now that you have done your research you can make a list of pros and cons for each institution. Consider things like how far away they are, how much the tuition is and what credits you will receive once your course is completed, in case you want to carry on studying.

Step 6: Make an educated decision

By now you should have a pretty good idea of where you want to go. But if you are not 100% sure yet, don’t worry. Picking the right place for you is a big decision, so don’t rush into anything. If you are still stuck with more questions, don’t be afraid to ask the career guidance advisor at your school or at the institution.
What is most important is that you know what is the application submission deadline – otherwise you will have to wait another year until you can apply, as you don’t want to miss it!

Step 7: It’s about dedication

There’s no two ways about it, your educational journey won’t be easy. It will take hard work and dedication. So you need to be 100% sure that you are ready to dive in head first.