1.  Deal with stress by exercising regularly, at least 3 times a week.

2. Keep healthy by getting enough rest and eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

3. Work through past exam papers. This will help you identify your problem areas and get you accustomed to working with a deadline.

4. When revising, think about how the section you’re focused on fits into the bigger picture. This will improve your understanding of the subject and make learning more enjoyable. Mind-mapping is a really helpful tool for visualizing the big picture!

5.  Start a study group with friends who are motivated to do well and study hard. After covering the work yourself, meet together and discuss any problem areas you encountered.

6. Think about what motivates you to learn and reward yourself accordingly. For example, if you are motivated by intrinsic factors, think about how doing well in your exams will help you to achieve your future goals. If you’re extrinsically motivated, you’ll need to reward yourself with things you enjoy e.g. watch your favourite TV show after doing a few hours of studying.

7. Think of practical applications for every theoretical concept you study. By doing this you will create associations in your memory, which will help you to recall information more effectively during exams.

8. Know what type of learner you are. This is very important as it determines how well you will absorb information, while studying. If you are a visual learner, mind-mapping and drawing pictures will work best. If you’re an auditory learner, you’ll learn best by ‘teaching’ someone else the work you have just covered. There are lots of useful websites, which will help you to identify what type of learner you are.

9. Keep a positive attitude and believe in yourself! Fear causes your brain not to work as effectively as it should, so if you’re able to keep calm, you will retain more information while studying and recall it effectively during exams.

10. Hire a tutor to help you with your toughest subjects. A lot of students struggle with one or two subjects e.g. Maths and Science, which can negatively impact on their overall results.