The University of Limpopo’s Medunsa and Polokwane campuses may be merged as training centres for the health professions, the Department of Higher Education and Training said on Thursday.
“In a recent meeting several issues were dealt with, including the importance of strengthening and consolidating the Medunsa campus, as well as developing Polokwane as a health training site,” said spokesperson Moloantoa Molaba in a statement.
The meeting, held two days ago, was attended by Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi and the University of Limpopo’s task team.
Nzimande said health training was critical, and that as much as the task team would focus critically on the impact of the merger, there would be an opportunity to explore ways in which the visions of both campuses could be supported and strengthened, Molaba said.
Motsoaledi supported the initiative and welcomed the opportunity to work with Nzimande and the University of Limpopo in the exercise.
“It is envisaged that the work of the task team would commence immediately with a report to be provided to both the Ministers by February 2011,” Molaba said. – Sapa
Article by IOL