This degree is conferred by the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology.
Type: Undergraduate degree
Duration: 3 years full time
Compulsory Subjects
First year subjects:
- Computer literacy
- Academic literacy
- Information literacy
- Introduction to programme design
- Netcentric Computer Systems
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Business Management
- Financial Accounting
- Informatics
- Information Science: Introduction
- Discrete Structures
- Calculus
- Linear Algebra
- Philosophy
Second year subjects:
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Design Patterns
- Operating Systems
- Informatics
- Multimedia: Advanced mark-up languages
- Business Law
- Information Science: Information seeking and retrieval
- Information Science: Social and ethical impact
- Discrete Structures
Third year subjects:
- Software Engineering
- Information Systems Project
- Multimedia Project
- Informatics
Fourth year subjects:
- Industry-based learning
- Community-based project
- Information Science
- Informatics
- Computer Science
Careers: Information technologist.