This programme offers a broad platform for a career in any of these areas and has been designed in consultation with the conservation industry. It combines theory with practical training in the form of compulsory practical sessions, as well as hands-on workplace exposure (called work-integrated learning) in the nature conservation environment.
Type: undergraduate diploma
Duration: 3 years full time
Compulsory Subjects
First year subjects:
- Conservation Development
- Conservation Ecology
- Resource Management
- Plant Studies
- Animal Studies
- Conservation Communication
- Practical contact course: Basic Practical
- Work-integrated learning: Nature Conservation Application
Second year subject:
- Conservation Ecology
- Resource Management
- Animal Studies
- Plant Studies
- Conservation Communication
- Computer Usage
- Soil Science (Nature Conservation)
- Conservation Administration
- Practical contact course: Inland practical
Third year subjects:
- Animal Studies
- Conservation Ecology
- Resource Management
- Plant Studies
- Work-integrated learning: Nature Conservation Application
- Practical contact course: Marine practical
Careers: nature conservationist, social ecologist, environmental interpretation specialist, environmental education officer, conservation management technician, conservation research technician.