University of South Africa, UNISAUniversity of South Africa, UNISA

This course focuses on the study of criminal behaviour and its impact on perpetrators, victims and society. The course consist of 30 modules, 10 modules over 3 levels. Students can select modules relating to criminology, languages, human and social sciences, economic and management and law.

Type: undergraduate degree

Duration: 3 years part time

Compulsory Subjects

First year subjects:
  • Introduction to criminology: crime, criminals and criminal behaviour
  • Introduction to criminology: victims and reduction of crime
  • Introduction to criminology: reaction to crime
  • End-user computing
Second year subjects:
  • Crime risk perspectives
  • Principles of crime prevention, reduction and control
  • Child and youth misbehaviour
  • Dealing with young off enders
  • Reaction to crime: alternative dispute resolution
Third year subjects:
  • The explanation of crime
  • Crime typologies
  • Technological developments and criminology
  • Formal reaction to crime
  • Victimology
  • Contemporary criminological issues
  • Research methodology in criminology

Careers: forensic criminologist, correctional parole officer.
